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Members Events for 2025

All member events will be free of charge (other than the Member Guest Day); however, all members are required to have a valid Golf Canada Handicap. Based on the total number of participants for each event, we will sort them into categories to make it as even as possible for everyone.

Please also note the following:

  1. Members must sign up for each event using the form below.
  2. Signups will begin 4 Weeks prior to each event and will close 2 weeks prior to the event.
  3. If you miss the signup window, you will not be able to participate in the event.
  4. All events will be played on the Yellow, White, Blue Tee Decks only.
  5. Your handicap will be based on the Tee-Deck selected.
  6. If you sign up for an event, and don’t show up on the day of the event, you will no longer be eligible to play in any other event for the year.

Click on an Event Name below to sign up for an upcoming Member event.

DateEvent Name
07/01/2025 Doubles Match Play Championship: July 1st - Signups open on 06/01/2025
07/01/2025 Match Play Championship: July 1st - Signups open on 06/01/2025
07/26/2025 Club Championship (Stroke Play): July 26th - Signups open on 06/28/2025
08/14/2025 Non-Handicap Event: New for the 2025 Season: Member Guest Day August 14th - Signups open on 07/17/2025
08/23/2025 Stableford Championship: August 23rd - Signups open on 07/26/2025
10/04/2025 New for the 2025 Season: 2 Man Scramble: October 4th - Signups open on 09/06/2025
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